Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Registered for classes for spring semester 2013.   Three classes - last one I can take at community college and two at University of Houston/Downtown, one on-line and one evening class.  Including these three, I need 14 classes to graduate.  It sounds better when I say I need 11 to graduate after these three, but its the same either way.  And now that I've put all this energy into getting accepted into the program again and getting into the right classes, I'm thinking "to heck with it." 

It's a lot of money; a lot of time; a lot of effort.  And do I really need a four-year degree at this point in my life?  The degree will be generic - Interdisciplinary Studies - so its not like I'll be getting a job as a Studier of Inter Disciplines.  It won't help me get a good job, or start a new career, or get a better view from the cemetery plot I'll eventually occupy.  Is my self-esteem so low that I think I need it to be a better person?  I do believe I need to keep my brain active so maybe I should do something that would focus on that rather than spending money for a piece of paper to frame on the wall.

Will admit I feel lazy for giving up the idea of finishing school.  Maybe I'll set a new, better goal of selling my quilts and stitching work, and maybe, some day, opening my own shop.

Clearly I need a goal more than I need a college degree.  But that's a whole different can of worms.

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